Though WHO grade I capillary hemangioblastoma is a good thought, I have to raise the possibility of WHO grade I angiomatous meningioma. Angiomatous meningioma often shows features of microcystic meningioma, and can sometimes be very difficult to distinguish from hemangioblastoma. Please look and see if there are any subtle meningothelial whorls, psammoma bodies, or large and isolated stromal cells (with hyperchromatic, irregularly shaped nuclei and vacuolated lipidized). Upload a few more photos taken at focus will certainly help. If still in doubt, do immunohistochemical stains to confirm.
Though WHO grade I capillary hemangioblastoma is a good thought, I have to raise the possibility of WHO grade I angiomatous meningioma. Angiomatous meningioma often shows features of microcystic meningioma, and can sometimes be very difficult to distinguish from hemangioblastoma. Please look and see if there are any subtle meningothelial whorls, psammoma bodies, or large and isolated stromal cells (with hyperchromatic, irregularly shaped nuclei and vacuolated lipidized). Upload a few more photos taken at focus will certainly help. If still in doubt, do immunohistochemical stains to confirm.