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以下是引用mingfuyu在2009-12-14 0:33:00的发言: 谢谢分享。Dr. Weike Gao 是先生还是女士?我的训练之路还算平坦,只是为人妻为人母(2 boys). 先生是很奉献的科学家,光为了他的工作我就换了3个训练单位。训练结束后因为孩子的中学,先生的工作不能去我喜爱的offer。 不过所有这些is nothing when i think of other people who cannot pass the tests or cannot get into a residency program or those physicians in rural China who are dying to learn but don't get the opportunity to do so. I am not religious but I always feel so blessed, especially for my training in US. |
Dr.Weike Tao is a gentleman.
You are all lucky & outstanding overseas Chinese. |
以下是引用cqzhao在2009-12-10 12:54:00的发言:
很真实的文章。Most American Chinese doctors have similar experience. The author was lucky to find the resident program easily. Often it suffered a lot to find a program. Now it is more difficult to find resident training program even though you pass USMLE tests now. I knew about 10 chinese who attended the match for residency last year. Finally only one got in the program. If you had bad attending pathologists in your program, you would suffer for all 4 or 5 years during the training. Now i try to be nice to all my residents and fellows because I remember my residency experience. |
Life is not easy in everywhere in fact.
You ARE a kindness & mercy man.
以下是引用香溪鲟在2009-12-7 22:46:00的发言:
很有感触!很受教育! 想起那年大雪过后陪爱人回她老家(神龙架)探亲,去探望她已经好几年没有见面的外婆,早上6:00钟从松柏出发,坐了几个小时的班车,然后下车步行,记得那里要走“十里沟”和“八面坡”,当我们连滚带爬的下到最后一个山谷的时候,天色渐暗,回头看吓了一大跳!发现自己刚才翻过的山居然耸立在半空中,心里非常疑惑:这是我们刚才翻过的山吗?还好到了外婆家就有四季不灭的火塘,放松一下麻木的脚,才发现脚底已经有了好几个水泡,新买的旅游鞋前边已经快磨穿了! 不知道Weike Tao(MD)老师翻过了多少座“大山”!向所有在美国,在海外发展的华人致敬!!!什么时候老外也来我们国家当research fellow 就好了,我们的孩子,或者孩子的孩子就不用出去了哈! |