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liguoxia71 离线
liguoxia71 离线
This will be an intetresting case to discuss breast FNA in general. The first 3 photos are not very cellular, in contrast, the last 3 photos are very cellular and the cells are discohesive, also show some pleomorphism, it is very worrysome for malignancy. Again, sorry for the staining comment, I think this is a H&E stain again, it is kind of fusy and not crystal clear (good Pap stain usually does a better job).
I would like to bring the issue of breast FNA. I learned some of the status of Breast FNA in China from Dr. CZhao, who gave an excellent lecture on that topic in this year's Chinese Cytology Meeting in Guangzhou.
I am still curious to know the following aspects: 1) Are anyone familiar with the "Triple test of Breast"? 2) How common is a breast lesion or mass evaluted by FNA first? 3) What are the common senerios breast FNA was ordered by the clinicians in China; 4)If you call a breast FNA positive for carcinoma, what the surgeon will do in China? Please partipate in the discussion. Thanks!
我想在此请教一些乳腺细针穿刺标本的问题,我曾经在中国跟赵博士学过这方面的知识,赵在今年广州中国细胞学会议上做了精彩的专题讲座。我有以下几个问题:1.有谁熟悉 "Triple test of Breast"? 2) 首次通过细针穿刺的病人确诊的多吗,有多大估计意义? 3) What are the common senerios breast FNA was ordered by the clinicians in China; 4)如果穿刺报癌,临床医生会怎么处理?请参与讨论,谢谢。