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A Portrait of Chinese Americans
Key Findings
November 2008
2 | Key Findings
A Snapshot of A Portrait of Chinese Americans
Chinese Americans have been in the
A Portrait of Chinese Americans describes the Chinese American population by providing a textured and nuanced description of their diversity of experiences, patterns of concentration, wide and bimodal range of social and economic conditions, and their relatively modest income returns for their educational and occupational achievements.
This snapshot publication presents key findings from the detailed national demographic and social profile of Chinese Americans found in A Portrait of Chinese Americans.
A Snapshot of A Portrait of Chinese Americans | 3
Chinese Americans number at 3,497,484, constituting 1.2 percent of the entire
The Chinese American population (9654;9654;single-ethnic Chinese) increased 28.5 percent during the period between 2000 and 2006.
9654;9654;Foreign-born Chinese Americans hail from different sub-ethnic countries of origin. Three of five (59.5%) come from mainland China; one in six from Taiwan (15.9%); one in 10 from Hong Kong (9.4%); and, one in six are members of the Chinese Diaspora (15.3%), defined as all countries in the world except for mainland China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and the United States.
29.4 percent are U.S.-born Chinese Americans. Among the U.S.-born Chinese 9654;9654;Americans, 88.3 percent were born in 15 states. 53.8 percent were born in the states of
Seven in 10 (70.6%) Chinese Americans are foreign-born. Nearly all (97%) foreign-born 9654;9654;Chinese immigrants come from 15 countries. 85 percent originated from
The Chinese American community is almost evenly divided between the less 9654;9654;acculturated first generation (54.2%) on one hand, and the more linguistically and socially acculturated 1.5 generation and the “second generation and beyond” combined (45.8%).
More than half of all Chinese Americans reside in the two states of
In the past 20 years, Chinese Americans have settled increasingly away from traditional 9654;9654;ethnic enclaves characterized as
1.5 generation refers to those who are born abroad and came to the
Acculturation is a process in which members of one group adapt to the beliefs and behavior of another group.
Asiatown is an Asian American suburban community where one Asian American ethnic group is the largest among other Asian American ethnic groups who are also present in significant numbers.
Chinese AmericanSub-Ethnicity consist largely of four sub-ethnic groups differentiated by their birthplace.
Ethnic Enclave is an ethnic neighborhood which retains some cultural distinction from a larger surrounding area.
Ethnoburb is an ethnic enclaves located in the suburbs.
First generation is defined as those who are born abroad and came at the age of 16 or older.
Foreign-born as those who are born outside of the
“Second generation and beyond” refers to anyone who can be of any generation beyond the first and 1.5 generation.
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