here is Canadian guideline: Treatment of cervical cancer depends on the stage of the disease, size of the tumour as well as the patient's age, overall conditionand desire to have children. The earliest form of cervical cancer is carcinoma in situ (stage 0), a non-invasive cancer that can be treated by loop electrosurgical excision procedure (LEEP),conization (removing a cone-shaped piece of the cervix), cryotherapy, laser therapy or hysterectomy. In stage 1 cervical cancer, the tumour invades into the normal tissue but has not spread beyond the cervix itself. Treatment options for this stage include hysterectomy, conization, and internal or external radiation therapy. Cancers that extend beyond the cervix but are still limited to the pelvis (stage 2) may be treated with internal and external radiation combined, hysterectomy followed by radiation, or by radiation and chemotherapy. Treatment of cancers that have spread throughout the pelvis (stage 3) usually involve a combination of internal/external radiation therapy plus chemotherapy. In stage 4 disease, the cancer has spread to other parts of the body and treatment usually consists of radiation, chemotherapy or a combination of the two. abin译:以下是加拿大处理指南: 宫颈癌的处理取决于疾病的分期、肿瘤大小和患者年龄、一般状况和生育要求。宫颈癌的最早期是原位癌(0期),为一种非浸润性癌,可行LEEP术、锥形切除术、冷冻疗法、激光疗法或子宫切除术。I期宫颈癌,肿瘤侵犯正常组织但没在扩展到宫颈下方。可选择子宫切除术、锥形切除术、阴道内或阴道外放疗。癌组织进展超出宫颈但仍局限于盆腔内为II期,可行阴道内和阴道外联合放疗、放疗后子宫切除术,或放疗加化疗。扩展到整个盆腔时为III期,处理通常包括阴道内/外放疗加放疗。IV期癌扩展到身体其他部位,其处理通常包括放疗、化疗或合并放化疗。
here is Canadian guideline: Treatment of cervical cancer depends on the stage of the disease, size of the tumour as well as the patient's age, overall conditionand desire to have children. The earliest form of cervical cancer is carcinoma in situ (stage 0), a non-invasive cancer that can be treated by loop electrosurgical excision procedure (LEEP),conization (removing a cone-shaped piece of the cervix), cryotherapy, laser therapy or hysterectomy. In stage 1 cervical cancer, the tumour invades into the normal tissue but has not spread beyond the cervix itself. Treatment options for this stage include hysterectomy, conization, and internal or external radiation therapy. Cancers that extend beyond the cervix but are still limited to the pelvis (stage 2) may be treated with internal and external radiation combined, hysterectomy followed by radiation, or by radiation and chemotherapy. Treatment of cancers that have spread throughout the pelvis (stage 3) usually involve a combination of internal/external radiation therapy plus chemotherapy. In stage 4 disease, the cancer has spread to other parts of the body and treatment usually consists of radiation, chemotherapy or a combination of the two. abin译:以下是加拿大处理指南: 宫颈癌的处理取决于疾病的分期、肿瘤大小和患者年龄、一般状况和生育要求。宫颈癌的最早期是原位癌(0期),为一种非浸润性癌,可行LEEP术、锥形切除术、冷冻疗法、激光疗法或子宫切除术。I期宫颈癌,肿瘤侵犯正常组织但没在扩展到宫颈下方。可选择子宫切除术、锥形切除术、阴道内或阴道外放疗。癌组织进展超出宫颈但仍局限于盆腔内为II期,可行阴道内和阴道外联合放疗、放疗后子宫切除术,或放疗加化疗。扩展到整个盆腔时为III期,处理通常包括阴道内/外放疗加放疗。IV期癌扩展到身体其他部位,其处理通常包括放疗、化疗或合并放化疗。