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jiangxiaoyu 离线
To my humble opinion, this product of conception has significant trophoblastic proliferation and almost well developed cysterns, suspicious for molar pregnancy. Any fetal parts? You should see well developed fetal parts in 5 months. If not, you really should work up for molar pregnancy. From the photos posted, all the villi are large with myxoid degeneration or cysterns in the stroma, more suggestive of complete mole than partial mole. In partial mole, you see biphasic villi, normal villi and abnormal villi and you may see fetal parts. In complete mole, you don't see fetal parts.
If you cannot make a call from H & E sections and if you are lucky to have a lab that can do ancillary studies, you should do chromosome analysis if suspecting partial mole and p57 immunostain for complete mole.
It is important not to miss molar pregancy especially complete mole because patients need to be followed up closely and a very small portion of patients develop trophoblastic tumor such as choriocarcinoma.