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Anyway the purpose I copy this topic here is not for making you to compare or complain, just want you to know some basic information about medical system in the US. In fact I always think I own Chinese people too much. I received all education from elementary school to medical school, and graduate in China. Basically it was free at that time. Who paid the education? They are Chinese people. When we can do sth we work in another countries. We can never pay back. This is why I like to spend a little of my time in our website. Hope some of young pathologists can get a little additional knowledge.
Today I read the original article again. Many numbers and description in term of fee of medical school, the way you get in medical school, salary of doctors, the difficulty for resident time et al are very objective. It is a good article for Chinese doctors who want to know the medical education system, situation of physicians in the US.
When I was the first year resident I had many times to stay in the lab over middle night and came back to the hospitals in the early morning 6:30 for frozen service.
首先中国和美国是二个不同的国家, 文化不同, 人均资源中国比美国少.
(1) 美国的医生的训练方法是值得我门学习, 但是美国的医疗制度是不能学的, 就跟华儿街一样,是什么时候倒的问题. 中国以前就学过美国的住院大夫制度, 以前的协和医学院就是用的美国的住院大夫制度, 协和医学院是根据当时的Johns Hopkins 医学院建的 (Johns Hopkins 医院是美国住院大夫培训制度的发祥地), 住院大夫制度也是一样. 看看当年的协和的水平就知道美国的医生的训练方法是值得学的.
美国是一个利益集团控制的国家, 医生本身是一个行业垄断的社会, 所谓的国会议员是谁给好处给谁说话. 我个人认为美国的医疗制度有很大的漏洞的, 浪费非常严重. 法国每年人均花1000美元,美国花4000-5000美元, 但是法国的医疗制度比美国的要好很多.
(2) 中国目前的问题是医生的红包问题(不光是医生收红包). 如果中国把医院医生实行年薪制 (美国的大学医院的医生基本就是这样的), 取消奖金(或控制多少比如工资的多少)和提成(提成是非法的), 我想问题会解决不少. 人都是自私的, 能多捞就多捞的, 重要的是要用制度去规范.