17 楼 发表于2009-02-18 08:42:00举报|引用
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adenocarcinoma and atypical adenomatous hyperplasia. The co-existance supports the notion that AAH is the precursor of adenocarcinoma. Who has the data regarding how large a tumor shoud grow to in 5 years? If it started as AAH 5 years ago and developed into adenocarcinoma, 5 years and 0.8 cm sounds OK with me.
adenocarcinoma and atypical adenomatous hyperplasia. The co-existance supports the notion that AAH is the precursor of adenocarcinoma. Who has the data regarding how large a tumor shoud grow to in 5 years? If it started as AAH 5 years ago and developed into adenocarcinoma, 5 years and 0.8 cm sounds OK with me.
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